Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Got my scrappy groove back!

I jumped from this blog to the one i keep at, but decided I should probably maintain this one as well. So much to share, so little time....

If you watch a lot of children's tv like i do, you might be familiar with Jack's Big Music Show... (if not, you're missing out!) Anyway, one of the songs that is always stuck in my head is about how Mel (the dog) lost his doggy groove and how he needs to get it back... "Every animal has it's groove..the way the walk the way they move..." ("What's the point Lauren?!") Well, the other day it struck me that {{I}} had lost my scrappy groove! I though all the creativity had fallen out of my body, but luckily I discovered, thanks to my friend Ann Marie, that it was just because I had been sick. I think she's right because the better I am feeling, the more creativity I find coming back! Phew!

Off to gymnastics, promise to be back later to get this place rolling again! :) If you have time be sure to hit EsteeLynn's blog (in my link section)....I can GUARENTEE you will leave her place smiling! :) xoxo


Anonymous said...

Yeahhhhh I am so glad you got your scrappy groove back. We are huge NOGGIN fans and of course Jack's Big Music Show rates right up there!!!

Manchester, NH

Lauren said...

Thanks for stopping by! :)

Anonymous said...

I ***love*** Jack's Big Music Show! :)